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按:本文为约拿单·卡恩牧师(Jonathan David Cahn,1959--) 于2024年1月31日在华盛顿的圣经博物馆举行的美国国家祷告日(US National Prayer Day)聚会上的信息。卡恩牧师是美国信耶稣为救主(Messianic Jewish)的犹太牧师,伯特以色列崇拜中心的创始人和领导者。











第一个是 “附身者”,它是将古以色列变成异教国家的灵。它在希伯来语中被称为 “巴力”或 “彼勒”,它现在来到了美国。它是一种将神赶出公共生活各个领域的灵,它的使命是将一个犹太基督教国家变成一个异教国家。所以,我们现在看到的是,我们文化的异教化,神被偶像取代,“绝对真理”被“多元真理”或“没有真理”取代,世界被崇拜,人成了神。



















National Prayer by Rabbi Jonathan David Cahn


We war not against flesh and blood, against principalities, against powers, against spiritual forces of evil in high places. Leaders here, members of Congress, people of God. We are standing at a critical, dangerous moment. We have opened the door to what we never should have opened it to. We have no idea what we've unleashed.


2000 years ago, Messiah. Jesus gave the parable of a man who had been delivered of a demonic spirit, but He left himself empty of God and thus open to the return of the spirit from which He was set free, and it came back. But now, with seven other spirits more evil than itself, to repossess him, and much worse than his first state of possession was his last state of repossession. 


And this is the warning. Any civilization, any culture, any nation that has known God and His Word and His power and His ways and His salvation, if it should ever turn away from God, if it ever empties itself from the word and the ways and His presence, it will not remain empty, that which was cast out of it will come back into it. It will return to its former state and worse. 


And so for a Christian civilization or a nation to turn away from God is a most dangerous thing. And what we are now witnessing is not merely a cultural transformation, it's a repossession. We've turned away from God. We have emptied our culture of His presence; others have come in to take His place. 


We have removed Him from our schools, from our children, and now others have come into our school and into our children. We've cast out His Spirit from our national life, and so other spirits have come in. Which ones? The Bible reveals that when the people of Israel turned away from God, they gave themselves to other gods, and other spirits took hold of the culture. 


There were three in particular, and the return of the gods, I call them the Dark Trinity. 


The first was the possessor, the spirit that turned ancient Israel into a pagan nation. It was known in Hebrew as Baal or Bel. It has now come to America. It's a spirit that drives God out of every realm of public life. It's mission is to transform a Judeo-Christian nation into a pagan one. And so we're now witnessing the paganization of our culture, where God is replaced by idols, where truth is replaced by many truths or no truth, and where the world is worshiped, and man becomes god. 


Then came the second. It was a she, the Enchantress. The Bible identifies her as Ashtoreth or Ishtar. The spirit of sexual immorality, unbridled lust, the spirit that paganizes our culture by seducing it through the realm of sexuality.


So if we open the door for her return, we would expect to see the realm of sexuality transformed, and that's exactly what has happened. As soon as we turned away from God, there came a sexual revolution. Ashtoreth was a prostitute. A prostitute removes sexuality from marriage, brings it into the marketplace. And so sexuality was taken out of marriage. And our culture became sexualized. And so began the weakening and destruction of the family, of marriage, of children.

And that opened the door for the third return, the destroyer. He who leads mothers and fathers into the most pagan and dark of acts, the sacrifice of their own children. As it happened to Israel, So to us. It was just as we turned away from God that we began offering up our children as sacrifices on the altar of Moloch. 


Israel sacrificed thousands of its little ones, on the altar of abortion we have sacrificed millions. And for those thousands, Israel was brought into judgment and to destruction. But there was more. The Enchantress, the goddess, had another side. In her ancient Mesopotamian inscriptions, it is written, she turns a man into a woman and a woman into a man. And so actually increases our hold over culture. 


We would expect to see her deepening work, that the destruction of gender, the blending and bending of male and female, man and woman, boys and girls to the goddess belong to priesthood. There were men who dressed up as women and those whom she calls to be surgically transitioned into the form of a woman. She possessed her priesthood, but now she seeks to possess an entire generation of children. 


For the spirits are always after the children. And if they can possess the children, they can possess the nation and its future. And woe to those who take part in such agendas and who do not protect the little ones against them.


From the most ancient of times, the goddess was connected to one particular sign, the sign of the Rainbow. She was the goddess of parades, parades that celebrated the alteration of gender. And she would especially possess the culture in one month of all months, the month of June. When the spirits first seek entrance, they do so in the name of tolerance and openness. But once they gain a stronghold, they declare every knee shall bow and all opposition shall be crushed. 


And that's why a new totalitarianism threatens to take over our culture and silence every voice of dissent. And so the gods are a danger to freedom of speech, of religion, of thought. A danger to this generation and to the future of America, and to western civilization and to the gospel. And just as they led ancient Israel, so they now lead another nation toward judgment and destruction. 


That is what happens when a civilization turns away from God. And so there can only be one answer. We must turn back to God. Without that, without revival, America as we know it is gone. And so we must now, in this capital city and around this nation, pray as we have never before, prayed for repentance and revival, and commit to living that repentance and that revival. 


We must pray for the power of God to cast out the spirits of darkness from our land, from the halls of our capital here, to the alleyways of the ghettos, from the White House to the schoolhouse, from our coastal cities to our Heartland plains. We must cry out: set this nation free, cast out our idols, cast out the gods, cast out the spirits and set America free.


For we commit this day we will not bow down to the gods of this world or the sacred cows of this culture or the agenda of this present darkness. But we will stand against them. We will only bow down our knees to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the Almighty, the Holy One, the living God is His name, and to the name above all names by which we must be saved. 


In the name of Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus, the Messiah, the light of the world, the glory of Israel, the only answer, the only hope America has that it might yet again shine as a city on a hill, with a light of the fire, of the power, of the glory of the King of all kings, the Lord of all lords, and the God above all gods.











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